Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite offers up to 2.6 times the NPU performance per watt compared to competitors like the Apple M3 and up to 5.4 times compared to the Core Ultra 71. Furthermore, the Qualcomm Oryon CPU in Snapdragon X Elite promises up to 51% faster CPU performance at ISO power, matching peak PC CPU performance at 65% less power, the statement added.
“The Qualcomm AI Hub allows developers to deploy a data model within five minutes on devices powered by Snapdragon chips, whether on their own or from Qualcomm Technologies’ growing collection of pre-optimized, ready-to-use AI models. The new Snapdragon Dev Kit for Windows provides the ideal hardware platform for these developers, with an accelerated Snapdragon X Elite chipset and a popular, stackable form factor,” Aron added.
Big PC makers joining the bandwagon
Leading PC manufacturers like Acer, ASUS, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Samsung, and Microsoft voiced their support for the Snapdragon X Series for Copilot+ PCs, highlighting the potential for a new era of intelligent personal computing.